CD_2301U3  communication driver

CD_2301U3 communication driver is the driver to communicate with invert of CD_2301U3 Controller.



1. Read Settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of CD_2301U3 communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of CD_2301U3 communication driver


Device part of  <Figure 1> input port no.(COM1), Baudrate(19200), parity bit(0), data bit(8), stop bit(1) according to setting of server.


KEYENCE_KV_LE21V communication driver read schedule

READ Station  Command (not used) memory address (only ID) (not used)
READ, 3, ID, 0, 0, 0,
READ, 1, ST, 0, 0, 0,


1) Station : Device ID.

2) Command: ID(ID CHECK) Take ID value and store it in memory

ST(STATUS CHECK) Confirm connection status with answer (stored in memory X)

3) not used

4) Memory address : Memory location where ID is stored when using ID command.

5) not used


2. Write settings

Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write 

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1) PORT             port no.

2) STATION        Device ID

3) ADDRESS       not used.

4) Extra1        SAVE (ID SAVE) Change ID of equipment by entering ID in output value

           PLAY (PLAY/PAUSE) No output value

STOP (STOP) No output value

FB (FB) No output value

FF (FF) No output value

UP (VOLUME UP) No output value

DOWN (VOLUME DOWN) No output value

MUTE (MUTE) No output value

POWER (POWER) No output value

REPEAT (REPEAT) No output value

FUNC (FUNC) No output value

MUSIC (MUSIC NUMBER) Enter song number in output value

5) Extra2        not used.

6) Value         In case of ID, enter the ID to be changed.

In case of MUSIC, enter the song number to be changed.


 Write example1)

PORT : 0   STATION : 1   ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : SAVE  EXTRA2 : 0  When analog output (3) is performed, ID of CD player connected to port 0 is changed from 1 to 3